Cavalry Basketball

Parent Information


Thank you for allowing us to help develop the basketball skills of your young Cavalier!


We need your help! As a condition for receiving use of the Bishop Neumann and St. Wenceslaus gyms for practice, Cavalry Basketball is responsible for covering the concession stand and gate at certain Neumann basketball games. In appreciation for the large number of hours volunteered by Cavalry coaches, families of Cavalry coaches are not asked to work a gate/concession shift. This means that we need EVERY (non-coaching) family to supply one adult volunteer for one shift. Truly, we will need every family to sign up if we are to cover the required shifts. By signing up early you will get the best choice among shifts, and also helps us avoid having to call and email you to find a shift.

*** If you would prefer not to volunteer (or if you do not sign up to volunteer and we are unable to reach you about volunteering) Cavalry Basketball will be following the procedure used by other Cavalry sports clubs and will deem one $50 deposit "forfeited" in place of volunteering. The money from that deposit will be used to secure a paid volunteer to cover a needed shift on your behalf.

Thank you in advance for your tremendous help and support with our Cavalry Basketball program!

Cavalry Basketball


Concussions in athletics are a very serious problem. They are also very easily treated, if detected early!! Cavalry Basketball has committed to 3 things regarding concussions — early detection, appropriate rest time following a concussion, and no return-to-play without a concussion clearing form (link below) from a physician.

Here are a few common indicators of a concussion:

  • Headache or “pressure” in head
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Balance problems or dizziness, or double or blurry vision
  • Bothered by light or noise
  • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
  • Confusion, or concentration or memory problems
  • Just not “feeling right,” or “feeling down”

If you think your child might have a concussion – play it safe. Stop play immediately and get them checked out by a trainer or physician.

Cavalry Basketball


You can also go to the CYAO page to see all forms necessary for Cavalry Basketball members to uphold their Catholic identity.